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Getting informed to take action on social isolation among the elderly

Welcome to the resources section, created for you. Here, you will find support materials and tools to promote solidarity and active aging, and to strengthen relationships with the elderly people around you.

Because living and aging together involves everyone, both young and old. 


Over the years, Little Brothers has accumulated a wealth of information about the realities of Québec’s elderly. We share it with you in this series of articles on social isolation and its causes.

Main qui allume une bougie


5 ways to honour seniors during the month of remembrance

15 November 2023

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Social Isolation of Seniors in Quebec: Factors and Statistics

5 February 2023

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Countering Isolation Among the Elderly: An Ongoing Mission for the Past 60 Years

30 September 2022

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Socially Isolated Seniors: A Major Impact on Public Health Requiring Immediate Action

25 June 2022

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10 Easy Ways to Touch Someone’s Heart and Help Overcome Social Isolation 

15 January 2022

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Fact Sheets

Start by reading the introductory sheets (What is a practical sheet?, Being a volunteer and Being a caregiver) and then download the series of 20 sheets on complementary subjects.

These sheets were developed in collaboration with the Réseau de l’action bénévole du Québec (RABQ) for the purpose of providing support to anyone accompanying a senior in Québec. Various topics are covered: support in transitions, complex health problems, referral, self-care for better support, and relational tips.

You have the power to act against the isolation of seniors

Here are some flyers to help you look for volunteers in your area, or recruit volunteers from your friends and family.


 Accompanying isolated seniors according to their needs

These resources can inspire and equip you in your work with seniors who may or may not have complex health problems. These sheets also contain useful references for volunteers who wish to revitalize and enrich their relationships with their Great Friends. 

Close-up of a pair of hands picking up a pike of papers annotated with bright orange sticky notes.
(Documents are in French only)
  • Understanding undernutrition
  • Identifying malnutrition in the elderly
  • Take action to counter malnutrition among seniors
(Documents are in French only)
  • Issues related to housing

Additional resources

Trusted sources, emergency referrals, websites, links to specialized resources on the topic of social isolation and seniors.

An elderly woman shows her cellphone to a younger woman sitting with her on a park bench.

Au fil du temps: an initiative of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (OPQ) to better understand brain aging and promote benevolence among seniors.

  • Suicide Prevention 1-866-277-3553
  • Info-santé and Info-social 811
  • Québec Coronavirus Line 1-877-644-4545
  • Crisis line 1-877-700-2433 or 1-855-365-4463
  • 211 and 311 telephone services are also helpful for referring citizens to community, public, and parapublic resources for seniors.
  •  711 can be used for people with hearing or speech problems.

Need help?

Seniors who are being abused or who want information can contact the Ligne Ligne Aide Abus Aînés au 1 888 489-2287.

For life-saving emergency services: police, fire and ambulance, dial 911.

Organization’s Policies

Respecting the privacy of staff, volunteers, donors, and the seniors we serve is essential for Little Brothers. See our policies on this subject.

Reports and Publications

Consult the organization’s official documents such as the activity report, the organizational strategic plan, the financial statements, and others.

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