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Little Brothers: Present in the Lower Laurentians since 2015

In the Lower Laurentians, we are able to observe that the isolation of seniors is much more present than we could imagine. Some of them have lost contact with the community and it is very easy to no longer see them. One of our great challenges is certainly to make them feel at home in the community.

It is by working together with others in the community that we can identify isolated seniors, recreate a caring community around them, and ensure a continuum of care and services.

We promote grassroots mobilization and the matching of seniors with volunteers living in their neighbourhood.

On a daily basis, Little Brothers Basses-Laurentides can thus mark their presence and their ability to touch the hearts of our Great Friends.


seniors accompanied annually


volunteers who give their time throughout the year

An elderly man dancing with a younger woman.
A man dancing with a cup in hand.
Two employees cook in large cauldrons.

Within the Community

Since it is collectively that we can respond to the needs and well-being of seniors, it is essential to work closely with collaborators and partners to extend the reach of our action.

Key Collaborators and Local Partners

  • AQDR (Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées)
  • AQRP Laurentides (Association québécoise des retraités des secteurs public et parapublic);
  • Voluntary action center Les Artisans de l’Aide;
  • The Solange Beauchamp Volunteer Centre;
  • The Centre d’entraide Racine Lavoie;
  • CISSS des Laurentides (CLSC Jean-Olivier-Chénier);
  • Coopérative Bon Ménage des Basses-Laurentides;
  • FADOQ Laurentides;
  • Regional Housing Office of the Lac des Deux-Montagnes;
  • Salon funéraire Guy of St-Eustache;
  • Community animation service of St-Eustache;
  • Table de concertation of MRC Deux-Montagnes;
  • Table de concertation of Thérèse de Blainville;
  • City of OKA;
  • Ville de St-Eustache;
  • 4 Korners Family Resource Center.
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Team Members 

Joanne Parmenter, senior operations branch

Nathalie Robert, Sector Manager

Nathalie Desforges

Mylène Healey

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