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Group photo of several seniors pretending for the camera.

Who can be part of the Little Brothers family?

Our organization takes care of all elderly people and integrates them into its extended family as long as they meet these simple criteria:

  • they are 75 years of age or older;
  • they are considered residents of Québec;
  • they are socially-isolated or victims of exclusion;
  • they are without significant emotional ties to their family or immediate circle.

If you know of a person who could benefit from our support, do not hesitate to complete the referral form. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible. Your request will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

What are our Great Friends’ profiles?

Little Brothers has chosen to become a true family for those we call our Great Friends. The people we work with range from 75 to over 100 years old. They live at home or in residential facilities for seniors. Their level of autonomy and life journeys are quite varied.

Photo of a couple of great friends.
Photo of a seated elder. The focus is on her hands resting on her cane.

An expertise in providing companionship for seniors over 75

Little Brothers has developed a vast expertise regarding the realities of very elderly persons. Our organization has designed support tailored to all the conditions and situations they may encounter in order to provide them with the best possible support.

Photo of an elder and a volunteer holding hands.

You are part of the solution

40% of the seniors we accompany are referred to us by social workers or community resources.

Through your commitment to lonely and isolated seniors, you actively support our cause and the battle against social isolation. Together, let’s take action and maintain the social ties that are essential to positive aging. 

Thank you for contributing to the well-being of seniors across the province through your vigilance and caring!

3 Ways to Bring More Visibility to Little Brothers’ Mission

To support our cause and give it more visibility, there are several ways to take action.

1. Download and attach this logo to your email or presentations to identify yourself as a Little Brothers supporter.

2. Do some reading to understand the importance of taking action against social isolation and discover the best ways to do so.

3. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about Little Brothers and its efforts to counter the social isolation of the elderly. You will get the latest news about our events, our positions, and our actions.

Photo of an elder and a young woman in nature.

Contact Us

Our team is available to answer your questions and to help you in your referencing process.

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