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Essential Support for Aging at Home

Little Brothers receive $1.2M in funding from the Government of Canada to expand their support for isolated seniors in seven regions of Quebec. This investment will help break loneliness and promote autonomy among elderly individuals, contributing to a more inclusive and caring society.

Our Great Friend Mr. Bourgault is the talk of the town! 

An evening to remember for a Great Friend passionate about hockey  Do you remember Mr. Bourgault? His story touched many hearts. Last December, a newspaper article by journalist Louis-Philippe Messier highlighted his unfulfilled dream: to attend a game of his favorite team at the Bell Centre. Moved by this story, a generous company decided to … Continued

Mr. Latour’s dream comes true thanks to our community!

Sometimes all it takes is a simple gesture to light up a life. The story of our Great Friend, Mr. Latour, is a wonderful illustration of this. When we met him, we were immediately struck by his kindness and discretion. An avid field hockey fan, now a resident of a retirement home, he always keeps … Continued

Discover the 2024 volunteers winners

Le 19 octobre 2024, nous avons honoré des bénévoles exceptionnels lors de notre cérémonie nationale. Découvrez les lauréat·es du Prix Juliette-Huot, Hubert-De-Ravinel, Inspiration et Bénévolat de groupe, ainsi que le tout nouveau Prix Béatrice-Picard, décerné à notre marraine, pour leurs contributions remarquables et inspirantes.

Tribute to Gabriel Bertrand: a shining star in our history

On June 29, 2024, we lost a great man, Mr. Gabriel Bertrand. A pillar of the Little Brothers of Quebec, he played a crucial role alongside our founder Armand Marquiset in 1948. His commitment and wisdom left a deep mark on our organization.

The Pride of Aging: A Commitment to the Future of Our Community and Elders

On May 31st, Little Brothers participated in the event “La fierté de vieillir,” where Minister Sonia Bélanger unveiled the 2024-2029 Government Action Plan. We applaud this ambitious plan and commit to actively participating in the proposed actions to break social isolation and promote social participation among the elderly in Quebec.

Spotlight on volunteering at Little Brothers

Volunteering is much more than an action, it’s a warm commitment to isolated seniors. Every gesture of generosity brightens their loneliness, every smile warms their hearts. Volunteering at Little Brothers is about making solidarity shine in our community.

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