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Support isolated seniors with your material donations!

How to contribute to responsible consumption In March, the clothing detox challenge invites you to think about the way you consume clothes, and to adopt good habits such as repairing and transforming your clothes or arranging them differently. You can even buy second-hand and donate clothes you no longer wear to a charity. Because sorting … Continued

Make a difference with your holiday shopping

The holiday season is approaching, a time to gather, share and spoil our loved ones. This year, how about reconnecting with your childlike heart? Go on a treasure hunt to find your second-hand gifts in our Little Brothers boutiques! Unique pieces at low prices While the majority of Quebecers give gifts this holiday season, a … Continued

Be the spark: Join our team of holiday volunteers

In this festive season, become a ray of sunshine for our isolated seniors. Offer time, share smiles and build warm ties. This festive season, become a ray of sunshine for our isolated seniors. Offer time, share smiles and build warm ties. Together, let’s make every gesture a link that becomes a source of fulfillment and shared happiness.

Heatwave: 5 good ways to support an elderly person

Le Québec connaît actuellement de fortes vagues de chaleurs, qui peuvent représenter un risque important pour les personnes aînées. Nous vous encourageons à être attentives et attentifs aux personnes du grand âge qui vous entourent. Voici 5 recommandations pour bien accompagner une personne aînée qui pourrait être incommodée pendant la canicule. Pour en savoir plus … Continued

Social Isolation of Seniors in Quebec: Factors and Statistics

Quebec’s population is aging and will soon be one of the oldest in the western world [1]. By 2030, 2.3 million people, or 25 percent of the province’s population, will be over 65 years of age. More than a third of them will be at risk of suffering from social isolation. What does isolation mean … Continued

Countering Isolation Among the Elderly: An Ongoing Mission for the Past 60 Years

30 % of the 600,000 people aged 75 and over in Quebec are likely to suffer from social isolation [1] in the coming years. Making a concrete difference when dealing with a situation of this magnitude requires constant commitment. It requires coordinating and mobilizing all available resources to act effectively. It also means alerting public opinion … Continued

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