As part of Canadian Intergenerational Day, celebrated this Saturday, June 1, Little Brothers would like to highlight a bright initiative undertaken by youngsters at Barthélémy-Vimont-Annexe school in Montreal’s West End.
Three groups of elementary school students have decided to send personalized cards to lonely seniors in their community. This action, part of a series of activities designed to promote benevolence, was supported by the teaching staff to raise awareness among young people of the inequalities and fragilities experienced by some people, particularly the elderly.
As Ms. Rahili Assaf, the school’s vice-principal, explains: “Throughout the month, several activities were offered to students and staff, including card-making for lonely and isolated people. Over 50 students, aged between 6 and 9, wrote greeting cards for the organization Little Brothers. This project enabled us to raise awareness of the importance of our elderly in society. Students put their hearts into composing these messages to break the solitude of these very important people in our lives.
The reaction to this wonderful initiative from our Great Friends was immediate!
Among them was 82-year-old Monsieur Rhéaume, who was smiling from ear to ear as he opened his letterbox. He said he was very “moved” and touched by the attention. The thoughtful card wishing him “good health” had a special resonance for him, who is currently battling cancer. The gesture was so appreciated that he proudly displays the card in his living room.

Mr. Rhéaume also responded to the group of students behind the project: “Thank you for the card! It fills me with joy! I wish you happiness in your lives. Don’t forget to cultivate friendship. May there be happiness and peace in your hearts. And success in your studies!
This initiative also gave him an opportunity to recall his years as a teacher with the Montreal School Board, where he passionately helped children and young people to love reading and writing!
Mrs. Gaëlle, a Great Friend aged 81, also wanted to thank us warmly for this intention. Here’s her message:
“Oh, what a lovely surprise I found in my mail one morning! It was a hand-painted, hand-written card addressed to me personally by a darling eight-year-old boy, who was sending me a colorful and charming little “coucou”.
How I thank my friends at Little Brothers for this adorable initiative. We grannies and grandpas are always so happy when little children have a kind thought for us! I immediately placed my beautiful card in the living room, so as to have the pleasant illusion of the presence of my little friend, who suddenly appeared out of the clouds to warm my heart. A big thank you also to our volunteers for all the pleasure they give us in so many ways to make our lives more beautiful!

This beautiful action reminds us how a simple gesture can change the day of isolated seniors. Intergenerational Day can be the starting point of a wonderful adventure that will change your life and that of a senior. Would you like to bring a smile and a touch of sweetness to our Great Friends?