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6 ways to break the isolation and loneliness of seniors this holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, many of us get into a frenzy. This time of year is synonymous with joy, sharing and gatherings. But the magic is slow to take hold in the homes of those who, on the contrary, have no close friends or family with whom to spend New Year’s Eve.

This is the case for many elderly people who live alone. Those with mobility problems are most at risk of loneliness. They don’t get around much, don’t visit many people – in short, they’re very isolated. And the arrival of cold weather does nothing to help.

There’s no substitute for human warmth!

In this season of generosity, adopt these 6 simple gestures to brighten the lives of seniors and break the loneliness that can affect them.

Break social isolation by checking in regularly with your parents or older relatives. A visit or call on a regular basis can do wonders to brighten their day, especially during the holiday season. Encourage those around you to do the same. Relationships and interactions with older people also enrich children.

2. Shared meals:

Shared meals are special moments of conviviality. Invite them to join you for a festive meal, whether at home or in a community setting. Eating together and sharing comfort food is an activity that unites hearts.

3. Personalized greeting cards:

Nothing expresses love better than personal gestures. Encourage youngsters to create special greeting cards, adding a warm, personal touch to their wishes.

4. Festive decorations:

Transform their living space into a festive haven. Bright, colorful decorations will create a cheerful atmosphere, bringing a little holiday magic into their daily lives. And why not invite them to make a festive craft or decorate a Christmas tree?

5. Meaningful gifts:

Show them your affection by offering carefully chosen gifts. Remember, the importance lies in the thought and love behind the gesture, not the cost. A lovingly handmade gift, no matter what the budget, can be just as precious and meaningful as an expensive one.

6. Outdoor outings:

Organize outdoor outings tailored to their needs. A simple walk in the park can be a source of well-being and happiness, fostering connection with nature and others. Toques, scarves and mittens are a must!

Will you adopt one of these 6 simple gestures?

Each gesture helps break down isolation, creating warm, lasting memories for the seniors around you. Thank you for your kindness!

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