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Supporting isolated seniors in the regions 

The urgent need to act 

The meteoric rise of prolonged loneliness and isolation among the elderly population is a very real phenomenon across the regions of Quebec, where one in five seniors is without a relative to rely on.   

An aging population, low incomes for too many seniors – one in two lives on less than $20,000 a year – food and rent inflation, the effects of heat waves on those living without air conditioning… some people will suffer more than others. 

In this context, the Little Brothers’ Foundation is asking for the community’s help through a vast direct mail campaign in each of the regions where we have offices, which we hope will have a positive impact on our ability to meet the urgent needs of the elderly people we support throughout Quebec.   

Offering a reassuring and comforting presence 

The Little Brothers teams are mobilizing in 12 regions of Quebec to break this isolation by giving lonely, vulnerable people aged 75 and over a new family: that of Little Brothers. 

Can we imagine not talking to anyone…for months on end? Yet more and more elderly people are living alone. One of them, Mrs. Gosselin, 78, has seen her cognitive health suffer as a result. She knew about Litle Brothers. But she didn’t call us, out of modesty, shyness or pride in “not bothering”… Fortunately for Mrs. Gosselin, we don’t wait for these isolated people to call us; our volunteers go to them when such cases of loneliness are reported to us!  

These seniors, who are our Great Friends, receive friendly visits and phone calls, can go out accompanied and obtain essential goods when needed, thanks to our Wellness program.  

Whether it’s a hearing aid, a wheelchair or new eyeglasses, these goods have an immediate impact on seniors’ lives: they regain their social life and joie de vivre, as well as having a positive impact on their health and independence. 

For example, our Great Friend Mrs Larose, had glasses that no longer suited her eyesight, and she didn’t have enough money to buy new ones. Thanks to our Wellness program, she now has a new pair of glasses. And her whole life has changed as a result: she’s resumed her daily walks without fear of falling, she’s started reading again and is once again taking part in our social activities. 

It takes a whole community to take care of its senior citizens  

You too can take action to ensure the well-being of seniors in your neighbourhood.    

For example, by suggesting activities or offering your spring greetings with these free printable cards for download:  

  • Write a few kind words for that person. Wish them sunshine, joy, health and friendship, for example, and mention how important it was for you to write to them.   
  • Put the card in their letterbox or, better still, hand it to them and start a conversation. For this person, it could be the only human contact of the day or… the start of a beautiful friendship! 

Or take part in the Lettle Brothers Foundation initiative.

Every gesture counts to break the isolation near you. Thank you for your support! 

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