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Results of the survey on isolation of seniors

Our population is aging. By 2030, 1.1 million people will be 75 or over, and 220,000 seniors will suffer from isolation in the next decade if no action is taken.

The Little Brothers Foundation has conducted an opinion poll to raise public awareness of the isolation and loneliness suffered by too many elderly people in Quebec.

This survey highlighted respondents’ concerns:

  • 79% noted that loneliness among seniors concerns more and more seniors in Quebec;
  • The three main dangers most identified as increasing with age are loss of autonomy (90%), loneliness (85%) and declining mental health (76%);
  • 88% consider it insufficient to provide only material assistance to an isolated elderly person in a precarious situation;
  • Among the actions carried out by Les Petits Frères, the three identified as the most important are Offering a regular presence through regular home visits and telephone calls
    and by telephone (84%), Training more volunteers to provide support (68%) and Celebrating important moments in the year, such as birthdays, Christmas and Easter (57%).

Conducted between August 11 and September 22, 2023, the survey garnered 2,397 responses, which were collected via a mailing to the Little Brothers donors and supporters, a mailing to Bel-âge magazine subscribers, and a Facebook campaign.

Since 1962, the generosity of Quebecers has enabled Little Brothers to counter the isolation of seniors in our province. Whatever their physical or cognitive condition, we provide support and lasting, caring relationships. These services are entirely free, thanks to the kindness of people like you.

For a growing number of seniors living on their own, joining a stable and reassuring network brings emotional, physical and mental benefits, as well as enabling them to maintain a social role.

How can you join our chain of solidarity to support this project for a society in which aging is a pleasure?

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