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Juliette-Huot and Hubert-de-Ravinel Prize 2022: three outstanding winners

Every year, we take the time to recognize the essential commitment of the volunteers of the Little Brothers and to thank them for the time and love given to our Great Friends.

The Juliette-Huot Prize: rewarding the exemplary commitment of our volunteers

In 2022, Andrée Ruel was awarded the trophy. A gentle, caring person with a big heart, Andrée has been part of the Little Brothers family for 11 years. His versatility leads her to get involved in all possible spheres, from Quebec to Montreal to sit on the strategic plan reflection committee. She is currently paired with four Great Friends and had six senior pairings during the pandemic.  Andrée gives herself body and soul, without expecting anything in return.

The Hubert-de-Ravinel Prize: thanking volunteers under 35

Two outstanding volunteers were named recipients this year: Pénélope Côté and Léa Frédérique Boa Wolff.

Employed in the health network with seniors while pursuing her studies, Pénélope is a versatile volunteer. Organization of parties, fundraising, coordination of the logistics of gift deliveries and creation of multimedia material, participation in the Socialization and Coordination Committee… Nothing stops Pénélope when it comes to bringing joy and love to Great Friends and Great Friends

Léa joined Little Brothers in Montreal during the 2020 lockdown, despite her very demanding law studies. Since then, his involvement has only grown with our Great Friends and Great Friends. Léa is part of the Socialization Committee and takes care of the management of birthdays. She even made a recipe book for our Grandes Amies et Grands Amis, on her own initiative, which she financed herself through fundraising.

We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts these three exceptional volunteers who accompany us day after day in our mission.

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