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The Benefits of the Vacation Program for Isolated Seniors

Depuis nos débuts, Les Petits Frères s’engagent à offrir des vacances aux personnes aînées isolées. Grâce à l’implication précieuse de nos bénévoles et donateur·trices, chaque Grande Amie et Grand Ami vit des moments de bonheur et de partage, entouré·es de personnes bienveillantes et attentionnées. Les cinq principaux bienfaits de notre Programme Vacances : « Ça … Continued

Tribute to Gabriel Bertrand: a shining star in our history

On June 29, 2024, we lost a great man, Mr. Gabriel Bertrand. A pillar of the Little Brothers of Quebec, he played a crucial role alongside our founder Armand Marquiset in 1948. His commitment and wisdom left a deep mark on our organization.

The Pride of Aging: A Commitment to the Future of Our Community and Elders

On May 31st, Little Brothers participated in the event “La fierté de vieillir,” where Minister Sonia Bélanger unveiled the 2024-2029 Government Action Plan. We applaud this ambitious plan and commit to actively participating in the proposed actions to break social isolation and promote social participation among the elderly in Quebec.

Spotlight on volunteering at Little Brothers

Volunteering is much more than an action, it’s a warm commitment to isolated seniors. Every gesture of generosity brightens their loneliness, every smile warms their hearts. Volunteering at Little Brothers is about making solidarity shine in our community.

A unifying campaign thanks to Québecor

Once again this year, we were able to count on the immense generosity of Québecor to deploy a vast volunteer recruitment and fundraising campaign, which ran from September 27 to December 17, 2023. For the second year in a row, our spokesperson, actress Marie-Thérèse Fortin, lent her voice to the advertising message, whose slogan is: … Continued

Your impact across Québec in 2022-2023

Thanks to people like you, we’re able to maintain the social ties that are vital to the well-being of lonely seniors across Quebec. We’ve accomplished some wonderful things together this year. We leave it to our directors to share with you the highlights of which they are particularly proud. Valérie Leblond et Jessica B. Pinard, … Continued

Little Brothers step up their mission during the holiday season

PRESS RELEASE For over 60 years, Little Brothers has been working to ensure that as many lonely seniors as possible can spend the holidays in good company, including those who have mobility problems. This year will be no exception to tradition. Nearly 2,500 seniors who receive companionship from the organization will be invited to a … Continued

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