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Mr. Latour’s dream comes true thanks to our community!

Sometimes all it takes is a simple gesture to light up a life. The story of our Great Friend, Mr. Latour, is a wonderful illustration of this. When we met him, we were immediately struck by his kindness and discretion. An avid field hockey fan, now a resident of a retirement home, he always keeps … Continued

Welcome to the Isolation Breakers Committee

Launched by the Little Brothers Foundation, the Isolation Breakers Committee brings together committed professionals driven by the desire to make a real difference. Their mission? To raise awareness among new generations of the importance of combating the social isolation of seniors. But they don’t stop there: their objective is also to mobilize and collect donations … Continued

Taking action for World Loneliness Day

Loneliness in old age: a public health issue in Quebec  Did you know that one in five people aged 75 and over feels profoundly alone, increasing the risk of depression and health problems? Often invisible, the loneliness of the elderly is nonetheless very real. In Quebec, one in five seniors has no one close to … Continued

The 50/50 raffle: a new way to transform lives with the Little Brothers Foundation

The Little Brothers Foundation: expanding solidarity at the service of seniors Since its inception, the Little Brothers Foundation has been committed to securing the financial resources essential to enable Little Brothers to fulfill their mission of providing a warm and caring presence to isolated seniors across Quebec. Through its initiatives and campaigns, the Foundation acts … Continued

Be the star that lights up the holiday season for an isolated senior

The holiday season is a time of magic, sharing and warmth. Yet for many seniors living in isolation, it can be a difficult time of year. Together, we have the power to rekindle the light in their hearts and remind them that they matter. With your support, this year Little Brothers will continue to multiply … Continued

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