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Mr. Latour’s dream comes true thanks to our community!

Sometimes all it takes is a simple gesture to light up a life. The story of our Great Friend, Mr. Latour, is a wonderful illustration of this. When we met him, we were immediately struck by his kindness and discretion. An avid field hockey fan, now a resident of a retirement home, he always keeps … Continued

The 50/50 raffle: a new way to transform lives with the Little Brothers Foundation

The Little Brothers Foundation: expanding solidarity at the service of seniors Since its inception, the Little Brothers Foundation has been committed to securing the financial resources essential to enable Little Brothers to fulfill their mission of providing a warm and caring presence to isolated seniors across Quebec. Through its initiatives and campaigns, the Foundation acts … Continued

The power of connection: when solitude gives way to hope

As the holidays approach, Louise feels a comforting sense of calm. She knows that, as always, Marie-Andrée will be at her side to share these precious moments. For four years now, her volunteer has been there every week. At 81 years of age, our Great Friend is surprised that she knocked on the door of … Continued

Second-hand shopping to support a good cause

Rising to the challenge of responsible consumption What if every item of clothing we bought had the power to change the world? In September, the month of second-hand clothing, Oxfam is challenging us to buy nothing new. For the past 5 years, this awareness-raising movement has been encouraging us to rethink our consumption and take … Continued

An initiative to raise awareness on the isolation of seniors

The Little Brothers Foundation is launching an opinion poll to raise public awareness on the isolation and loneliness suffered by too many elderly people in Quebec. The aim of this initiative is to seek more support for a social project that promotes inclusion and living together. Today, the Little Brothers Foundation gives you the floor … Continued

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