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Sower of happiness: Gaétane Grenier’s story

“A true gift.”

That’s how Gaétane Grenier describes her volunteer commitment to Little Brothers, when asked what she gets out of devoting her time to the cause.

For this proud retiree, the company of seniors has always been a source of joy. For her, getting involved with the organization means much more than giving back: it’s a pure pleasure to give back to herself.

So it’s with all her heart that, for the past 4 years, she has accompanied, supported and listened to the countless stories that punctuate the lives of Great Friends. “Already 4 years! How time flies!” she wonders, acknowledging the precious loyalty shown to her.

It has to be said that there has been no shortage of needs in recent years. When she arrived in 2020, they were particularly urgent. The COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing, and its impact on the isolation of seniors was already palpable. An exceptional context that amplified her desire to make a difference. 

“Initially, I was paired with two people and also helped a partially blind lady with her shopping,” she recalls. “Over time, bonds of trust were forged. Hearing their life stories is so touching! We could write books and books about them!”

Aware of the impact her work has on their well-being, Ms. Grenier plans to be there for the people she cares for for a long time to come. In 2023, she even participated in a stay at the Domaine Juliette-Huot, which opens its doors to isolated seniors during the summer season.

“It’s a fantastic place that does them an enormous amount of good,” she admits enthusiastically. “And as we live with the Great Friends for a few days, we get to know them better. People relax, laugh and confide in each other, and together we create new memories that will stay with them forever.” 

Ms. Grenier is proud to be part of such a large community of volunteers. If you’re not sure, she encourages you to ask as many questions as possible.

“There are tons of ways to get involved,” she says. “You can offer your listening skills, of course, but also your talents and knowledge. Having worked for an IT firm before I retired, I know how to provide technical support. I’m also available on call for transport and delivery, for example. And I love it!” 

Volunteering for Little Brothers means giving in a thousand and one ways. For Ms. Grenier, it’s above all the certainty of sowing happiness and warmth in the hearts of hundreds of isolated seniors… and receiving just as much in return!

From the bottom of our heart, thank you, Ms. Grenier!

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