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Volunteering with Seniors, a Life-Changing Commitment

In Québec, more than 1 in 5 seniors live without any family or loved ones to count on. Little Brothers’ mission, since 1962,  is to bring as many elderly people out of  isolation as possible every year. Without the thousands of volunteers across the province who embrace our cause, our efforts would be fruitless. Their involvement allows us to multiply our initiatives. 

Little Brothers’ door is always open to those who want to make a difference in their community and spread joy around them

Benefits of Volunteering with the Elderly

Photo of a senior with a stuffed animal. She is accompanied by a volunteer.

Volunteering is a powerful means for improving the well-being and lives of seniors. It allows us to be on the front line and to take concrete actions for our Great Friends. Every little gesture counts, and sometimes even a simple presence can produce significant results, increasing serenity and joy among people who have very little social contact.

Many Ways to Volunteer 

An elderly man and a young woman.

Whether you are retired, in school, or in the work-force, whether it be on the phone, in the field, behind the scenes, or directly with seniors, there is certainly a type of volunteer work that will suit you at Little Brothers.

In addition, we offer training and coaching to help you feel comfortable  in your role. 

Volunteers Testimonials

Portrait of David, a volunteer.

« My volunteer experience with Little Brothers brings kindness and develops my empathy with Great Friends. It raises my awareness about the realities of old age. It is a wealth of life knowledge that is simply revealed, sometimes candidly, sometimes with emotion. »

David, volunteer companion
Portrait of Francine, a volunteer.

« In the letters I process, I can read testimonials of appreciation from both donors and seniors. This touches me and encourages me to continue because I know that I am participating in my own way in the Little Brothers mission. »

Francine, Data Entry Volunteer

Photo of an elder and a laughing young man.

How can you help?

By 2030, Little Brothers hopes to have a significant impact on the lives of 10,000 seniors. Thousands of volunteers throughout Québec are already involved in this effort by giving their time.

Support Little Brothers’ cause so that, together, we can counter the suffering caused by social isolation.

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