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Warm photo of two seniors who dance glued to each other.

The Importance of Human Contact

Evidence shows that isolation is as bad for your health as alcoholism or smoking and often leads to depression and even suicide.

Inaction and boredom can lead to feelings of worthlessness and declining self-esteem. The lack of goals and idleness means that days become a simple timeline to follow on the calendar. Intellectual and emotional apathy may set in, for which the only solution is to create social ties and propose activities.  

It only takes one significant person to give meaning to a life. Letting an older person know that they are not alone can have a great impact on their mental health and well-being.

Little Brothers team members contribute to the solution by building strong relationships with their Great Friends. The love and attention we show them are key factors for preventing social isolation and for protecting older people. 

This human contact enables us to ensure their well-being and to maintain their autonomy, even their physical and mental capacities.

Putting the Elderly at the Heart of a Caring Network

Little Brothers offers a variety of adapted actions (pairing, visits, outings, vacation getaways, etc.). They enable the creation of lasting and meaningful connections that lift our Great Friends out of isolation as long as necessary.

Connecting People

Pairing is the Little Brothers’ preferred companionship support. It is one of the best ways to end loneliness and isolation, one person at a time. This social involvement usually lasts about a year, but can last much longer.

Little Brothers Pairings is available in several options:

  • Classic: a single volunteer commits to visiting a senior on a regular basis to establish a unique and personalized relationship with them;
  • Duo: 2 individuals (1 couple, 2 friends, 2 volunteers, 2 colleagues,etc.), together or alternately, regularly visit a senior so that they feel doubly appreciated, supported, and loved;
  • Family: members of the same family commit themselves to visiting regularly, together or alternately, and even to welcoming them within their family activities. A guaranteed intergenerational success!

« I live alone and sometimes I find that time passes by slowly. Timmy’s regular visits break down my isolation and loneliness. »

Mrs. Belleau, Elder Friend
Photo of a senior and her caregiver smiling at each other with coffee in hand.
Photo of a senior using a cell phone.

Telephone Companionship

Free, simple, and secure, phone calls connect people aged 75 and over who are suffering from isolation with volunteers specially trained in active listening and accompanying seniors.

Paired individuals can talk on the phone with the same volunteer at least once a week to check in and stay in touch. These regular calls to our elders become cherished occasions that help to ease anxiety. Beautiful friendships have blossomed over the phone.

This telephone pairing service was a real lifeline during the pandemic crisis and enabled our Great Friends to maintain social connections. These regular calls truly make a difference and brighten up their daily lives. 

Through this, Little Brothers can reach out seniors in rural and remote communities who are not currently served by our field teams and provide a little warmth wherever it is needed.

« At the moment, I’m alone and I’m walking in circles in my apartment. Fortunately, Little Brothers calls me to talk. They are there for me. Without them, I would lack human contact. I owe them my life in these difficult times. »

Mrs. Claudette, Elder Friend supported through phone calls during the pandemic

 « I would like to share with you my wonderful experience with Micheline, the volunteer you paired me with. From our first call, she knew how to find the words to make me feel comfortable and confident. Since then, she communicates with me regularly and her words are always encouraging and even stimulating. I always look forward to next Monday when the phone rings! Micheline listens to my every concern. She would have made a wonderful psychologist. Thank you Little Brothers for your support. »

Mrs. Ginette, Elder Friend who has been receiving friendship phone calls from a volunteer for 2 years

Group outings and activities

Little Brothers organizes many activities throughout the year to encourage our Great Friends to interact with our volunteers, our teams, and with each other. These encounters take many forms: local outings (with volunteers or other seniors), cultural outings (shows, movies…), group activities (coffee-shops, meals, picnics, vacations…), and other activities. Our goal? To give lonely elders opportunities to meet and to provide positive, uplifting experiences.

Photo of two seniors chatting with an attendant.
Photo of five people putting their hands on top of each other.

Seniors’ Volunteer Involvement

Our Great Friends can also become involved as volunteers for Little Brothers. This allows them to feel appreciated, to make a positive contribution, and to help others who will benefit from the conviviality and the human warmth of a group.

Who better to understand the needs of another senior also suffering from isolation? This involvement is usually just as beneficial for the volunteers as it is for those they accompany.

Among our volunteer ranks, we also have several people who are 75 years and older. They love to attend parties, help others and meet new people. They have many wonderful qualities and they make great volunteers!

We offer several personalized and complementary approaches. Find out more!

Photo of a group of seniors playing pétanque.

The Family Spirit That Soothes the Pain of Isolation 

Through home visits, phone calls, simple activities, and small thoughtful gestures, we are there for the seniors we accompany, like a real family. 

You can help us embrace the elderly.

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