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The Challenges of Aging and Staying Connected

As senior citizens age, they are increasingly at risk of suffering from social isolation. They may find themselves confined to their homes or care facilities, becoming invisible to the community. How can we, as a society, be concerned about an issue whose scope and long-term effects we ignore?

That’s why Little Brothers has chosen to raise public awareness about the social isolation of seniors over 75 in Québec. Since 1962, with the support of our partners, we have taken part in awareness-raising work to promote citizen mobilization regarding this social and public health issue.

Because elderly people are part of our community. Because they deserve our support and affection. Because tomorrow, each one of us may experience solitude and face the challenges of aging.

Photo of Caroline Sauriol speaking at a conference.

« As you know, old age and loneliness have existed forever. Yet, this social isolation is quite new, since we have added almost 20 years to life expectancy. And, as a society, we have not yet figured out how to properly care for seniors, who will be increasingly numerous in the years to come and who will suffer from long-term isolation if we do nothing about it. »

Caroline Sauriol, Executive Director of the Little Brothers Foundation from 2009 to 2023
Profile photo of an elder.

Promoting Awareness of Needs and Issues Related to Aging

Aging seniors face issues related to health, housing, and finances that increase their sense of alienation. Raising public awareness about the loneliness and exclusion of seniors also means providing solutions to the many factors leading to isolation.

Over the years, Little Brothers has developed extensive knowledge on many issues related to aging. Our participation in numerous projects, roundtables, events, and publications allows us to discuss these issues with both scientific and community-based organizations on a daily basis. This allows us to stay up to date on the situation, and spread our message as widely and efficiently as possible.

An Duty to Remember

Commemorative events provide good opportunities to raise awareness about the cause of the elderly. They are also special occasions to remember the people we have loved and supported, and who have passed away.

Photo of several people holding sparklers.

October 1, International Day of Older Persons

Established in 1990 by the United Nations (UN), the International Day of Older Persons is celebrated every October 1 and serves to raise awareness about the living conditions of seniors.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, past Secretary General of the UN, declaredin his speech on October 1, 2010: “It is time for governments around the world to put in place the financial, legal, and social protections that will enable millions of older people to lift themselves out of poverty and live in dignity, as they are all entitled to a healthy and productive life.”

Every year, on October 1, Little Brothers’ teams across Québec mobilize to mark this important day, raise awareness within the community and inform public authorities about the plight of isolated seniors.

The Little Brothers pay tribute to the deceased.

Month of November, in remembrance of our Great Friends who passed away

During all November, the month of remembrance, Little Brothers pays tribute to the Great Friends who have passed away during the year. Throughout Québec, our volunteers and teams gather and organize various events to honour the memory of these women and men who were part of our extended family and marked our lives.

Calendar of important dates

  • Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
  • International Solitude Day (January 23)
  • International Women’s Day (March 8)
  • National Volunteer Week
  • Mental Health Week
  • Little Brothers Volunteer Recognition Week
  • LGBTQ+ Pride Month 
  • Intergenerational Day (June 1)
  • World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15)
  • International Widows Day (June 23)
  • World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10)
  • International Day of Older Persons (October 1)
  • World Food Day (October 16)
  • Little Brothers General Assembly
  • Juliette Huot and Hubert de Ravinel Volunteer Recognition Awards
  • Falls Prevention Month
  • Month of Remembrance for our Departed Great Friends 
  • National Caregivers Week
  • National Senior Safety Week
  • International Volunteer Day (December 5)
Photo of a stack of newspaper

A Media Presence

Little Brothers communicate regularly with the media and the general public. We use this opportunity to present our findings, raise concerns, highlight our successes, or make important announcements regarding funding and other major events.

At certain times of the year, we also take advantage of our media presence to alert the population to issues such as social isolation, heat wave operations, food security for seniors, etc.

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