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Giving out of gratitude: Diane’s big heart

At 78, Diane gives back out of pure gratitude. Involved with Little Brothers since 2020, she brings joy and support to isolated seniors, while enriching her own life.

The Benefits of the Vacation Program for Isolated Seniors

Depuis nos débuts, Les Petits Frères s’engagent à offrir des vacances aux personnes aînées isolées. Grâce à l’implication précieuse de nos bénévoles et donateur·trices, chaque Grande Amie et Grand Ami vit des moments de bonheur et de partage, entouré·es de personnes bienveillantes et attentionnées. Les cinq principaux bienfaits de notre Programme Vacances : « Ça … Continued

A trip back in time for Mr. Dugas

A great day for a Great Friend Our dear Great Friend, Mr. Dugas, former actor on the Quebec TV series Moi et l’autre, had an unforgettable day. For those who remember the popular show, which ran from 1966 to 1971, Mr. Dugas starred in over 89 episodes, playing Dominique Michel’s lover. This outing was made … Continued

Forging links: Christian’s mission

Christian, a volunteer with Little Brothers, forges precious bonds with the seniors. His commitment, fueled by reciprocity and humanity, softens their daily lives and enriches his own.

Tribute to Gabriel Bertrand: a shining star in our history

On June 29, 2024, we lost a great man, Mr. Gabriel Bertrand. A pillar of the Little Brothers of Quebec, he played a crucial role alongside our founder Armand Marquiset in 1948. His commitment and wisdom left a deep mark on our organization.

“Being there”, a priceless gift

Being there is the priceless gift offered by Little Brothers volunteers to Mr. Plouffe. Their support transforms his life, replacing loneliness with a loving, present family. Support that makes all the difference.

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