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Our Mission

To counter the isolation of seniors until the end of their lives.

Our Values

  • The unique and irreplaceable value of every human being;
  • The dignity of every human being, regardless of their physical, psychological, or social situation or condition;
  • The respect for all individual ideas, choices, beliefs, and values;
  • The altruism of each gesture, without any expectations  in return;
  • The commitment to our work and to the Little Brothers community;
  • The spirit of celebration and the importance of recognizing, encouraging, and empowering our Great Friends’ aspirations and dreams;
  • Loyalty until the end of life.

Our Image

Moving from a sense of isolation to one of inclusion in the Little Brothers extended family, the identity image of the organization helps to support its mission and its life-changing actions.

Diagram : Shows the steps to create the little brother's logo and it's meaning. "Loneliness & Isolation" becomes "Family" which in turn becomes "Support, Cooperation & Network" and finally turns into "Providing an extended family for lonely and isolated seniors"
Photo de trois aînées dans un parc.

Our Vision for the Future

The elaboration of our strategic plan 2020-2024 has allowed us to define our objectives and outline an ambitious vision for our organization for the current decade. 

By 2030, Little Brothers hopes to have a significant impact on the lives of 10,000 socially-isolated seniors in Québec. 

We will succeed with the unfailing commitment of our team, volunteers, and donors, who we hope to keep increasingly rallied to the cause of countering seniors’ social isolation.

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