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A trip back in time for Mr. Dugas

A great day for a Great Friend

Our dear Great Friend, Mr. Dugas, former actor on the Quebec TV series Moi et l’autre, had an unforgettable day. For those who remember the popular show, which ran from 1966 to 1971, Mr. Dugas starred in over 89 episodes, playing Dominique Michel’s lover. This outing was made possible thanks to the generosity of Kim Lévesque Lizotte, who donated tickets to see the new version of the play.

An emotional initiative and a gesture of generosity

Émilie Potvin, team coordinator, shares: “When I heard about this new version, I immediately thought of Mr. Dugas. So I didn’t hesitate to contact the author, who generously offered three tickets.” This gesture enabled Mr. Dugas to relive precious memories and stimulate his memory in a remarkable way.

Touching testimonials

Danielle Robitaille, a volunteer who specializes in accompanying people with cognitive impairments, accompanied Mr. Dugas on this memorable outing. It was a wonderful day,” she says. Mr. Dugas was ‘allumé’, he talked a lot, he told a lot, he was smiling and charming! And, on several occasions, he told us what a great life he’d had! That was really good to hear. I think he was very happy with his release. Because his vision is impaired, it’s hard to say what he took in from the play, but I saw him applaud several times.”

Danielle Vanessa Gore, a volunteer paired with Mr. Dugas for regular friendly visits, adds: “I went to see Mr. Dugas today and he still remembers having a great day. He was in excellent spirits.”

The positive impact on Mr. Dugas’s memory

Coordinator Émilie Potvin explains the importance of this type of initiative: “As we age, we can experience cognitive loss. What a joy it is to have your memory stimulated so intensely by positive memories of yesteryear!”

Much more than just a cultural outing, these experiences activate cognitive mechanisms, awaken dormant memories and go a long way to improving quality of life in the days and weeks ahead, thanks to the connection to happy feelings.

A big thank you and an invitation to share

We’d like to extend our warmest thanks to Kim Lévesque Lizotte and all the actors and actresses for their exceptional performances, and to the staff of the Théâtre du Vieux-Terrebonne for their warm welcome. We would also like to extend our warmest thanks to Fanny Aconin, producer of “ComédiHa!

This experience was also made possible thanks to our Rêves d’aîné-es program, supported by your generosity.

Make a concrete gesture: offer moments of joy

With your support, we pay tribute to and celebrate the lives of the elderly people we care for, our Great Friends.

Thanks to your generosity, we’re able to create tailor-made moments for our loved ones: celebrating a 100th birthday with a favorite cake, holding hands in hospital, granting a last wish, and so much more. The experience of Mr. Dugas, who was able to rekindle fond memories by attending a play, is a perfect example. Every moment is as special and precious as the ones you share with your loved ones.

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