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A campaign powered by Quebecor for the 60th anniversary of Little Brothers

Little Brothers, present throughout Quebec to support isolated elderly people, is launching a notoriety campaign that will run until December 4 in television, digital, billboards, magazines and newspapers. Thanks to the partnership with Quebecor, Little Brothers will be able to promote their mission to a wide audience.

“By making links with seniors in their community, the volunteers who get involved with  Little Brothers put an end to their loneliness and isolation. It is these significant and lasting relationships created by our twinning program that we wanted above all to put forward through this campaign. – Marie-Claude Murray, Communications, Marketing and Public Relations Director of Little Brothers.

Marie-Thérèse Fortin, spokesperson for Little Brothers, lends her voice to this campaign and speaks in a series of video capsules broadcast on social networks.

A new brand image for their 60th anniversary

Little Brothers is taking the opportunity to breathe new life into their image, by unveiling a new brand platform and a new website, which are more modern and dynamic, in order to continue to carry high and strong its mission to counter the social isolation of seniors.

“The creation of the logo was motivated by a desire to humanize the brand and make it comforting for people of old age. By combining the motto of the Little Brothers “Flowers before bread” and their raison d’être, which is to create a family around lonely and isolated seniors, we discover a strong alloy, but just as warm. – Hugo Joseph, artistic director, K72

Do you also want to change the life of a senior in your area? Do like Anne, Jean and Lily and join the Little Brothers!

It is already more than 55,000 seniors who suffer from severe isolation and, with the aging of the population, the problem is accentuated. Little Brothers therefore wishes to have a significant impact on the lives of 10,000 seniors by 2030. All forms of support, from donations to volunteering, are essential to achieve this goal. 

Thank you to our partner Quebecor for this golden outreach opportunity!

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